Coconut Oil in Glass or Plastic Container?

Avoid using ??????? ??????? to storing your cooking oil because chemicals from the plastic can seep into the oil.

There are 3 primary issues:
1. Permeability
Coconut oil is slightly acidic. Coconut oil as such – a small amount of fatty acids will go “scot-free”.
The more free fatty acids floating around the oil, the more acidic the oil. More acidic means it’s more corrosive.

2. Leaching
Coconut oil reeking of plastic smell. That’s the result of coconut oil “scratching” some chemicals off the plastic container.
Leaching of plastic into coconut oil probably happens during shipping or handling where the delivery company keeps the oils in a stuffy and hot environment for very long hours. Chemical reaction usually takes place when things get hot.

3. Environmental
The recycling rate of plastics is actually quite low – in 2013, only 9.5% of plastic material generated in the U.S. was recycled. The rest was combusted for energy or sent to a landfill where its fate is uncertain – it can either find its way out and pollute our planet or sit in the landfill for up to 500 years before finally decomposing.

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