Plasticisers are known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which disrupt the human endocrine system. When too much plasticiser accumulates in the body, reproductive system diseases such as precocious puberty, infertility, and short penis may occur. Plasticisers can also cause insulin resistant. Although it will not develop into diabetes, it may cause problems such as high triglycerides, high low-density cholesterol, low high-density cholesterol, and increase the risk of obesity, cardiovascular and chronic diseases.
How to get rid of plasticiser in the body:
1. Take more trace elements and minerals helps strengthen the liver to excrete plasticisers.
2. Drink plenty of water, too much plasticiser will be excreted through urine.
3. Exercise more, too much plasticiser will be excreted through sweat.
塑化剂被称为内分泌干扰物(endocrine disrupting chemicals, EDCs), 会干扰人体的内分泌系统。当体内塑化剂累积过多时,会出现性早熟、不孕症、阴茎短小等生殖系统疾病。塑化剂也会让人体的胰岛素产生抗性,称为胰岛素阻抗。虽然还不会发展成糖尿病,但会造成三酸甘油酯过高、低密度胆固醇过高、高密度胆固醇过低等问题,增加肥胖、三高及慢性病的风险。
1. 多摄取微量元素及矿物质有助于加强肝脏排出塑化剂。
2. 多喝水,过多的塑化剂会通过尿液排出体外。
3. 多运动,过多的塑化剂会通过汗液排出体外。
The impact of plasticisers on human body