

Harmony 787 – Energy Belt can helps you or resolve:
• Detoxification 排毒素
• Pain-relief 镇疼痛
• Qi-Deficiency 活气血
• Ying Yang Imbalance 祛湿寒
• Smoothen meridian 通经络

It is safe and easy to use without any side effects. 无任何副作用,使用安全,简单
No professional operation required. 无需专业人士操作
the best home, leisure and care products. 最佳的居家,休闲辅助护理产品

Product features:
• can be used repeatedly for 500 hours 反复使用500个小时
• Portable 不分季节 随时随地
• Belt type with large chip surface area suitable for cover larger area.
• Used Silicon Rubber Material that can be inserted into human body.

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