Bee Pollen


Per Bottle

Pure & Natural from Farm in Malaysia

Health Benefit of Bee Pollen:-

• to enhance the human body immune system, improve the body resistance to disease.
• prevention and treatment of brain cardiovascular disease: pollen flavonoids can effectively remove the deposition of fat on the wall of the blood vessels, and thus play a role in softening blood vessels and blood lipid.
• regulate gastrointestinal function: pollen has many bactericidal ingredients, can kill E. coli, and can prevent constipation.
• liver protection liver: pollen in the flavonoids can also prevent the deposition of fat on the liver.
• regulate the nervous system, promote sleep and adjuvant treatment of other diseases: pollen for anemia, diabetes, improve memory, menopausal disorders have a better effect.

Store pollen in a cool dry place.


• 增强人体综合免疫功能:花粉多糖能激活巨噬细胞的吞噬活动,提高人体抗病能力。
• 防治脑心血管疾病:花粉中的黄酮类化合物能有效清除血管壁上脂肪的沉积,从而起软化血管和降血脂的作用。
• 调节肠胃功能:花粉有许多杀菌成分,能杀灭大肠杆菌等,并能防治便秘。
• 调节神经系统,促进睡眠。
• 辅助治疗其他疾病:花粉对贫血、糖尿病、改善记忆力、更年期障碍等有较好效果。



Pure & Natural from Farm in Malaysia

Weight 100 g


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